Our No Obligation Promise

This is our promise that if you don’t wish to proceed with our recommendations, then you don’t pay any fees.

We often get asked why we offer this as part of our initial service so here are two reasons why.


A long-term view

We firmly believe that clients get the most value from our services as they compound over time. However, it takes time to build the trust which is foundational to our relationship.

As a consequence of this, we want the starting point to be a pressure-free environment in which you can make an informed decision that ultimately has implications for your future.

It aligns our interests

With no obligation, you can feel comfortable in the knowledge that if we are willing to do the work then we have a firm belief that it is in your best interests. It is our job to then present and articulate this to you clearly.

It also means if we know we can’t add value, or our advice won’t benefit you, we would rather tell you this is the case and point you to someone who can help.


Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, England