The “Four Pillars” are how we add value to you and your finances


Cairngorms National Park, Highlands, Scotland, UK


Financial Planning


This is about understanding where you are now, where you are trying to get to and building a plan to get you there.

We will help you determine what you are trying to achieve and also encourage you to dream a little to see what is possible.

The plan will also highlight the risk factors that could derail your plan. We will review strategies that protect you from these as part of the planning process.

All this creates the framework that informs our advice. Most importantly, it gives you clarity and confidence in your financial future.


Investment Management


Once we have a clear plan, we construct an investment portfolio to meet your needs. This will balance your investment requirements with your attitude to risk.

When building portfolios for clients, key factors that influence our advice are:

  • Asset Allocation

  • Diversification 

  • Rebalancing 

  • Costs


Tax Planning


Tax legislation can be dull and complicated, but tax planning doesn’t have to be. We’ll advise you throughout the process to ensure you are maximising all your allowances and making sure your assets are as tax efficient as possible.

We will also review this to manage changes in legislation and your circumstances.


Client Partnership


Your finances are not just about the numbers, they are also deeply emotional. Through building a trusted relationship, we can add further value by being your professional, non-emotional adviser to help guide you through turbulent times.

There is evidence that advisers add significant value through their behavioural management and so we strive to ensure your behaviours and decisions align with your long-term goals.

  • The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all of your original investment.

  • Tax Planning Advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.